Jumpstart Javascript

Dive into a 4-week, cohort-based journey to master JavaScript fundamentals and modern web app development through hands-on projects .

Starts September 28, 2024
30 seats only
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Join our upcoming cohort. Sign up to secure your seat.

Imagine tapping into a global network of over 5 billion active users every single day — without needing anyone’s permission to share your ideas, and build your business. That's the power of the web.

And JavaScript is vital for creating web applications. It's the backbone of modern web development, powering everything from interactive websites to complex web applications. You can also use it to build apps for mobile phones, desktop, and even smart devices.

This versatility makes JavaScript a highly rewarding language to learn because it opens so many doors. But for many aspiring developers, JavaScript can seem overwhelming.

That's where Jumpstart JavaScript comes in. We've distilled years of industry experience into a focused, 4-week program that turns JavaScript confusion into confidence.

This course helps you go from beginner to creating exciting web applications with modern JavaScript. We’ll start with the basics and then dive into projects that highlight your new skills.

What sets this course apart is its strong focus on foundational knowledge. This means that as technology evolves, the core understanding you gain will remain relevant and valuable, regardless of future changes in your tech stack.

What You'll Learn:

  • JavaScript Fundamentals. Master variables, data types, operators, control structures, and more.
  • DOM Manipulation. Learn to create dynamic and interactive web pages.
  • Browser APIs and Asynchronous JavaScript. Work with Promises, async/await, browser storage, and APIs.
  • Javascript Outside the Browser. Learn basics of Node.js, Express.js, Serverless Functions, and Modern Javascript tooling.

By the end of this course, you'll have built multiple practical projects that will reinforce your learning, giving you hands-on experience with real-world applications of JavaScript.

Projects You'll Build

To Do List App

Weather App

Rock Paper Scissors Game

Quiz App

Pomodoro Timer

Tic Tac Toe

Password Generator

Note-Taking App

How It Works

Async Lessons

Twice a week, receive pre-recorded lessons and coding challenges. Learn at your own pace.

Hands-on Projects

With each lesson, you'll work on exciting projects. Write code, create demos, and share your progress in our Discord server.

Live Sessions

Join weekly 90-minute live classes every Saturday at 10:00 WIB for Q&A and deeper dives into the week's topics.

Throughout the week, engage with your fellow learners on Discord. Share your progress, help others, and grow together as a community.

What's Included

Jumpstart JavaScript teaches you fundamental JavaScript while building your confidence. Here's what you can expect:

Comprehensive Lessons
Immerse yourself in over 10 hours of pre-recorded lessons. Each session is designed to cover crucial topics in modern JavaScript and web development.
Exclusive Live Sessions
Join four live Q&A sessions, to get answers to your pressing questions about the lessons and coding as a career.
Learning Platform Access
Access a wealth of resources including notes, interactive demos, cheatsheets, quizzes, and slides on our learning platform.
Community Access
Access to the Build and Learn community to share projects, chat with like-minded peers, get feedback, and grow together.
Hands-On Project Experience
Apply what you've learned with a hands-on project that mirrors real-world challenges. Enhance your skills by working on meaningful tasks that can contribute to your portfolio.

Please note: The video lessons and live sessions will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia, but the written materials are in English.

Course Syllabus

We cover a lot of ground in 4 weeks. Here's a detailed breakdown of what you'll learn each week:

Who is This Course For?

Our students include entrepreneurs, professionals from various fields, students, and software engineers. Here's who would benefit the most:

Perfect for:

  • Beginners with little to no programming experience
  • Self-taught developers looking to fill knowledge gaps
  • Career changers aiming to enter the tech industry
  • Students seeking practical, hands-on coding experience
  • Backend engineers eager to learn JavaScript fundamentals

You'll benefit if you want to:

  • Build a solid foundation in JavaScript programming
  • Create interactive and dynamic web applications
  • Understand modern web development practices
  • Kickstart your journey towards becoming a full-stack developer
  • Refresh your JavaScript knowledge and connect with peers

5 out of 5 stars

“Materinya oke baanget terstruktur dari yg dasar sampe yg njelimet hehe, tapi semua tersampaikan dengan baik dan sekarang makin pede di kerjaan kalo ada case yg UI-nya interactive.

Selain materi yg disampaikan, banyak intermezo yg bikin ngebuka wawasan juga, mantab pokoknya”

Anas Mufti
Fullstack web developer laravel
Anas, the instructor

👋 Nice to meet you! I'm Anas.

I've spent the last eight years in software engineering, working with various companies, including tech unicorns and Govtech Edu in Indonesia, as well as tech firms in the USA and Australia.

Learning and building tech products can be tough, so I started Build and Learn — a community where developers and builders can grow and learn together.

Pricing and Enrollment

The tuition fee is a one-time payment. There are no tax or additional fees.

Jumpstart Your Javascript Journey

Once your seat is confirmed, you'll receive details for the kickoff session.

What’s included

  • 4-week intensive program
  • 10+ hours of video lessons
  • 8 hands-on projects
  • Learning Platform Access
  • Weekly live sessions
  • Community access


Enroll Now

Secure payment with Stripe

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact us by filling out this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What language is used in the course?

The video lessons and live sessions are conducted in Bahasa Indonesia. However the written materials and slides are in English.

What is the time commitment?

Plan on dedicating about 10 - 18 hours a week. This includes diving into lessons, sharing your work, and chatting with your peers.

What If I Have Questions or Get Stuck?

If you run into any problems, feel free to ask the instructor or get help on the Discord server. Our community is here to support each other and grow together.

I'm a Beginner, Is This Right for Me?

Yes, it is. For optimal result, if you're completely new to programming, make sure to spend about 2 hours learning and an extra hour practicing the first lesson.

You might need to take your time to understand it well. Completing the first exercise will boost your confidence for future lessons.

What Technology Do I Need?

You will need a laptop or desktop with a modern operating system and a stable internet connection.

We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for the best experience.

What if I can't attend in one of the live sessions?

No worries! All live sessions will be recorded and shared with you. You can watch them at your convenience.